Calvary Chapel is a church in Canterbury, Connecticut, committed to believing, living in light of, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. The church was founded in 1935 as an independent, Bible-believing fellowship. Our doctrinal beliefs and leadership structure are similar to some Baptist churches, but we are not affiliated with a denomination. Whether you are exploring Christianity or looking for a church home, we would love for you to visit!
Believing the Gospel. The gospel is the core of what we believe at Calvary Chapel. It is good news about what God has done to save people. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life, died in our place, paying the penalty for our sin, was raised from the dead, and will come again. Salvation is by God’s grace, through faith in Christ. Calvary Chapel is a church committed to God’s truth, revealed in the Bible and most fully and beautifully in Jesus Christ.
Living in Light of the Gospel. The gospel connects us to God and it connects us to each other. At Calvary Chapel, we seek to live out the gospel as a spiritual family who worships and serves God together. We aren’t perfect people, and we aren’t a perfect church. We are seeking to grow in grace together. Calvary Chapel is a church committed to community.
Sharing the Gospel. Because God has shown us so much love, we are compelled to share his love with other people! We support Christian missions around the globe, and we seek to share Christ in eastern Connecticut through words and action. Calvary Chapel is a church committed to mission.